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Romania Insider newsletters

Take your pick from a wide range of newsletters in English, on different topics and with different frequencies, to cater to every need.
We make the selection so that you don't miss anything important, no matter how often you choose to read the news.


Our free newsletters bring you the essentials 

Daily Digest


One of our most popular free newsletters. Every morning (8 AM Romania time), you receive our selection of stories from Romania: business, society, entertainment.

HR & Careers


Every other Tuesday, the hottest stories on human resources and latest career changes in Romania arrive in your inbox. 

Real Estate

Real estate

Getting real about real estate: latest news and overviews from Romania, every second Wednesday. 

Positive News Romania


The weekly dose of positive stories from Romania, every Friday in your inbox.

Life & Travel


Get our selection of lifestyle topics & travel hints and tips, on the last Thursday of each month. 

Start Up

This new monthly newsletter is free for all our newsletter subscribers. Our team has curated essential topics related to the Romanian start-up ecosystem.

Romania Insider Cooking


The latest addition to our newsletters: inspiration for Romanian cooking, all over the world. Weekly newsletter to be launched in 2021. 


Go premium for an extra advantage

These newsletters are included in the Romania Insider membership packages for individuals and companies.

Daily Press Review

Daily Review

A must-have for investors, top managers, diplomats. Business intelligence at its best. All you need to know to start your day: the most relevant stories from local media in business, politics, society. Easy and fast to read summaries, no links to click, no ads.

Included in ULTRA membership

Weekly Press Review

Weekly review

Your weekly roundup: more like a business & politics magazine dedicated to Romania, in the form of a powerful newsletter. Read it every Friday and over the weekend: browse the headlines or read in depth. Standalone bulletin, no links to click.

Included in SUPPORTER & ULTRA memberships



Keep up with the ups and downs of Romanian politics and check the trends and latest moves & statements that affect society and businesses, in this monthly newsletter. Sent every first Monday of the month.

Included in SUPPORTER & ULTRA memberships

Monthly Wrap-Up

Wrap Up

A minimalist looking, yet filled with curated stories newsletter. Perfect if you want to read only one thing at the end of the month and never miss anything important in Romania. Our editor summarizes the month for you.

Included in ALL memberships

Mergers & Acquisitions


Latest deals, fresh investments, new financing options, market entries and trends in this powerful M&A newsletter sent on the first Wednesday of every month. 

Included in SUPPORTER & ULTRA memberships

Capital Markets

Capital Market

A monthly round-up with relevant information about the Romanian stock market and investment opportunities, directly from our Editor-in-Chief. Sent in the first week of the month.

Included in ULTRA membership



Every month, check out what's moving in Romania's agriculture: trends, deals, investments, status quo, crop yields, farmer stories. First issue in September 2020.

Included in ALL memberships


Choose the membership plan that suits you, and which offers the newsletters of your choice, plus extra benefits.